The Oconee Rivers Audubon Society will be hosting a bird walk at the Sandy Creek Nature Center at 8:00AM. We will meet in the Allen House Parking lot (the small lot to the left of the Ensat Building). This is a Sunday Walk.
Our bird walks are open to the public. We typically run 3-4 hours. Easy to moderate walking. Please dress for the weather, wear practical shoes, bring insect repellent and snacks/water as desired.
If you have any questions please contact Ed Maioriello at or 706-296-5275.
Directions to the Sandy Creek Nature Center can be found here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On occasion, field trips may have to be cancelled (bad weather, etc.) or important details may change (for example, the original meeting spot for a site may have to be changed if there is a trail closure or parking problem). If you plan to attend a birdwalk, ALWAYS check the night before for updates.