Other Birding Resources

Please take advantage of these other valuable birding resources and other Audubon Societies around Georgia:

ORAS on social media

The Oconee Rivers Audubon QuickTopic Forum

ORAS on Facebook

ORAS on Twitter @AthensAudubon


Other Audubon societies and ornithological societies in GA

Georgia Ornithological Society

Atlanta Audubon Society

Augusta-Aiken Audubon Society

Coastal Georgia Audubon

Columbus, GA Audubon

Ocmulgee Audubon

Ogeechee Audubon Society


National and international ornithology organizations

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

American Bird Conservancy 

BirdLife International


Other birding resources

National Geographic Bird Pictures and Facts

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Bird Identification Info Center

The Great Backyard Bird Count 

Easy Ways to Get Kids Birding (Audubon)

7 Crafts to Get Kids Birding (Birdlife International)


Bird related publications

Audubon Magazine

Bird Watcher's Digest

Living Bird Magazine (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)